sample paperwork & policies

On this page you can find links to examples of intake paperwork that you might see when we are establishing therapy together. Please note that this is not meant to reflect exactly what content you will be reviewing in the intake paperwork you complete if we are to meet - however, with the ways that Anxiety and other Problem(s) like to get in the way of the things we might seek out for own well being, I find it can be helpful to have access to information that may allow the Problem to quiet. Even if it does so for just long enough for someone to be able to look at a document knowing that they do not have to sign it immediately.

We all process information at different speeds and in different ways - it's one reason I like to provide information in different formats.

NOTE: When considering whether I am an appropriate fit for you to reach out to, it is very valuable to first review the above-linked Attendance, Time, and Commitment Expectations document. This very clearly outlines procedures and processes for situations which come up frequently in therapy. While we will review this document together at a first session, many people have found it helpful to be able to consider and assess their own responses to what those situations can be expected to look like.